6/26 Day 101

We woke up to storms again today and packed up wet. We were motivated to get out of the shelter with promises of goodies at the Pie Lady whose store was only 3.7 miles from the shelter. We bought a pint of ice cream and a homemade Apple Crisp pie. We finished half of the pie and packed out the rest for lunch. She gave us a large loaf of organic wheat bread to take with us as a gift as well. After taking a break at On the Edge Farm, we hiked over Dana Hill. We walked through mud up to our ankles, through fields of shoulder high wet grass and spent 30 minutes figuring out the beat place to ford a flooded Pomfret Brook. We stopped at Thistle Hill Shelter for lunch to take a break from the rain. After lunch we crossed the White River and walked through the town of West Hartford, still recovering from Hurricane Irene. We had a very hilly, rainy day but made it to Happy Hill Shelter by dinner. We were happy to see that a family had already started a fire and put up a line for us to dry our clothes. Us, Snarf and Hot Sauce set up our tents in the two story shelter to dry our tents and stay away from the bugs. We hiked 20.4 miles for the day.

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